What Can Chin Surgery Achieve?
Chin surgery can make many improvements to the chin and lower face, bringing the chin into balance with the other facial features in order to produce a more harmonious facial appearance. When performed with submental liposuction, tightening of the skin can help reveal a more defined chin and the jawline. Here are a few objectives of Chin Surgery:
- Chin enhancement or augmentation. The chin bone can be cut and repositioned to increase its size and shape.
- Reduction of the chin can also be achieved, which involves reshaping and shifting of the bone. For instance a “v-shaped chin” is often performed to give a more feminine appearance, which can be performed alone, or as part of Facial Feminization Surgery.
- Chin asymmetry can be corrected. The chin symmetry and balance can be achieved at the same time as the chin enhancement or the chin reduction surgery.